Fall Newsletter 2020

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Welcome to Fall in Canada!

For most of us 2020 has been an interesting year of change, frustration, fear, setbacks, cancellations, adaptations and a whole lot more. We wonder when things will go back to normal or even if they ever will.


Here at CMBC things have been changing as well, but with good changes that we are excited to tell you about.

First things first! We are so excited to announce our brand new website! It launched this week and we would love to have you head over to www.cbmc.ca to check it out right now. Please let us know what your thoughts are and tell us if navigating it seems intuitive. We want you to be able to use this site for yourselves and to refer others to, so we want you to be proud of our online presence. We welcome your feedback.

Secondly, we are increasing our social media activity. This is a medium we have not really explored much, but our goal is to reach the younger up and coming generations. This is where they “hang out”. As I read through the life of Jesus on earth it strikes me that Jesus went to where the people were. We want to be known as well as the go-to place in Canada for Christian Business people. We are excited to move into more of this online marketplace.

Technology has been another advancement we’ve been using. Zoom is the platform we are using for The Way Online. It creates a wonderful way to see people face-to-face, share from our hearts, study the Word, and pray for each other.

Which brings me to the next thing we are excited about: The Way Online. If you have not been part of one of these groups, I highly recommend it! Especially with the impact that Covid has had on us, you might really enjoy the renewed intimacy with Christ that you’ll experience in The Way. It’s also a great way to connect with other Christian Business and Marketplace Leaders across Canada. Please contact me to set you up in a group with a time that works for you.

Considering the state our nation is in, the situation with the pandemic, and the need for Jesus growing greater every day, let me urge you to join us in prayer. We covet your prayers. The mission is great and we need God’s help.

So I close with this prayer for you, and invite you to partner with us in this kind of prayer and lifestyle throughout our nation.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV)

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


Randy Wolgemuth
CBMC National Director