Hi there!

This is the first newsletter I’m writing since I took on the position as the National Director for CBMC, so I’d like to welcome you to the newsletter and thank you for reading it. I’d also like to take a moment right off the bat to invite you to contact me directly at any time. If you have questions, ideas, or would like to get to know me better I’d be happy to hear from you. My personal cell number is 204-782-3000. Feel free to call or text.
As I learn more about CBMC and it’s rich history, I’m humbled to have been asked to lead this organization, and proud to represent it. The mandate on this organization is wonderful and has a huge – maybe even overwhelming – mission ahead. There is a lot to be done, but I’m excited about that. Because where God calls us to big things, He also provides big grace. With God anything is possible!
As the board and I reflect on the past and what we feel we are called to do going forward, we foresee some exciting changes. We recognize that technology can and will play a big part in how we deliver our mandate in the next decade. Technology together with the personal touch is a powerful combination. Having been heavily involved in delivering coaching services online over the last year it has become very clear to me that online relationships for the purpose of ministry is a very viable option. Face-to-face may be best in many situations, however time and travel constraints do not always allow for that.
With that in mind I am very pleased to announce two online discipleship training programs we’ll be offering using the Zoom video platform. There will be a host and participants in each group.
• The Way (with permission from Church Renewal) is an exclusive teaching and training program for Christians who want to take their walk with God to a higher level. Once you have mastered this you will be trained to disciple other Christians using this material. The Way has 21 modules and is designed to be done in 1-week segments. Online meetings will be held weekly with every 4th week being a catch up week with no meeting. Each session will be 1 hour. There is no charge for The Way’s 21-week program.
One of the goals in offering The Way is to fulfill the mandate of our Vision, Mission and Purpose. Please see below for a reminder of what these are. The goal is that each participant in this program would not only grow deeply and more intimately with Christ, but that they would be willing to take others through The Way, thereby multiplying disciples in the marketplace.
• In addition, we will be offering a Gold Growth Mastermind+ . This 24-week self-improvement and character growth program includes The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Sunrize 90-Day Plan, DISC Personality Assessment, and The Unique Ability Assessment. The program facilitates your growth as a person and as a business person by honing your management skills, and embracing a unique time-management system. There is a fee for the Gold Growth Mastermind+ , however, the proceeds go to CBMC to help fund the organizations mandate.
These two programs can be taken individually or simultaneously.
When taking both programs, there would be 2 one-hour sessions held on different days. We are exploring the option of offering the sessions back to back with a short break in between programs, for those who would like to do all their course meetings in one day. Please let us know what you would prefer by contacting our Administrator, Lynn at info@cbmc.ca or 1-888-459-2262.
I look forward to meeting you and connecting with many of you through the programs, or in person.
All for His glory,
Randy Wolgemuth
CBMC National Director