Membership in CBMC is really about sharing the vision through vital relationships.

It should include a desire to join with business leaders across Canada and around the world who are committed to the spiritual development of others in the marketplace. An intimate and growing relationship with the Lord is imperative.

Membership implies an investment in the Mission and Purpose of CBMC and a shared responsibility to extend the impact of the gospel throughout the cities and towns in Canada.

Members commit to pray regularly for friends and associates and for CBMC. They are also intentional about personal spiritual growth and actively pursue the opportunity to disciple and mentor others.

Membership also implies a strong desire to form strategic partnerships with churches and other organizations that are equally passionate about doing God’s work.

Here’s what you can expect to gain:

  • A personal and spiritual link to business and professional people around the world who share a common faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
  • A source of friendship and accountability with others in business; encouraging one another to include faith as an integral part of your everyday business experience.
  • Challenged to grow as a Christian leader and as an “ambassador” who is not ashamed of the gospel. (2nd Corinthians 5:20, Romans 1:16)
  • An acute awareness as to His calling on your life and an expectation for you to pray, to share and to give for His glory and toward His purposes.
  • Access to contemporary tools and materials.
  • Introduction to key business leaders, speakers and authors.
  • Attendance at related seminars, workshops, conferences and world conventions.
  • Business mentoring opportunities.
  • Counsel of peers in business; a friendly ‘Board of Directors’.
  • An intentional strategy to lead others in business to Christ and to celebrate their growth by discipling and working with them.

Here’s what we offer as resources:

  • Operation Timothy – CBMC’s premier discipleship tool, Operation Timothy (OT) is a relational discipleship tool named for the Apostle Paul’s discipling of young Timothy. It is a progressive Bible study designed to help people grow spiritually and is rooted in the Great Commission, “as you go, make disciples of all nations.”– available free online. Click here.
  • Living Proof – CBMC’s LivingProof Adventure is a small group, video-based training series for lifestyle evangelism available free. Click here.
  • 10 Attributes – An initiative that leads career-minded men and women through a transformational experience that develops business leaders who are intentional about integrating their faith with their work. Click here.
  • Becoming a Spiritual Reproducer – is a small group video-based training series for mature Christians to learn how to become a disciplemaker. There are seven sessions in the series which include a “Disciplemaker’s Story”, an Instructional video, and homework for each session. Click here.
  • CBMC Library – This is a library of videos, audio messages, interactive studies and articles for assistance in becoming an Ambassador for Christ. Click here.
  • Ebooks – A selection of CBMC recommended downloadable books for you. Click here.
  • 10 Most Wanted – Given that we all have people we pray for we have developed an essential card that you can carry with you to pray for your 10 Most Wanted – available free.
  • Monday Manna – A Marketplace devotional that helps us focus on our relationship with Christ as we begin our work week including probing questions.


MEETING DAY: Every Wednesday
MEETING TIME: 7:00 am (PST) In-Person only
CONTACT: Eddie Naude


MEETING DAY: Every Wednesday
MEETING TIME: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (Central Time) Online and In-Person
LOCATION: Winnipeg
CONTACT: Ben Hoeppner
204-955-0210 or

MEETING DAY: Every Friday
MEETING TIME: 7:00 am – 8:00 am (Central Time) Online and In-Person
LOCATION: Winnipeg
CONTACT: Raymond Dueck


MEETING DAY: Every Thursday
MEETING TIME: 7:15 am (Eastern Time) Online Only
CONTACT: Jim Fisher
905-330-5747 or 905-332-4696

MEETING DAY: Every second Wednesday Sept.-June
MEETING TIME: 12:00 pm (Eastern Time) Online and In-Person
CONTACT: Sean Elliott

Please contact us for existing group information or help in starting a group in your area.

Membership Form

Please fill out the Membership Form below to become a member. Thank you for supporting CBMC, we will be in touch with you shortly.

After submitting the form you’ll be taken to the Donation page where you can set up your monthly gift donation online.